Wharf Rat

Who knew Rey Mysterio was a Mormon?

His pants fit him like a glove.

“Novacek associates with the brain injury he says he suffered that night, and which eventually led to him dropping out of college and all but abandoning his dream career.”

Saying they’re mired in “medocrity” is generous.

That’s not the issue raised in the initial post. No one is making excuses. The poster simply said that the punishment and time spent on investigating these sordid acts by Democrats are severe while if its by Republicans, it’s “Boys Will Be Boys”

What happened in the “Bella Match”? I took 2006-2013 off from watching WWE. Fatherhood, etc...

And to think Classy Freddie Blassie had us all thinking he had died, but in fact he was hiding out in Ireland.

You could have stopped after 1.  Number 2 would be that the games are full of drunk assholes. Then repeated number 1. If you needed a 4th, you could throw in that it’s the Redskins.

at having to respond to a challenger from an actual progress

Doesn’t matter, as now he’s just a great car pool dad.

“There Can Be Only One”--Jimmy Haslam

I never thought I’d be writing this letter...

“Go back”?

Not sure about that one.

Makes it easier to send someone else’s kids off to war.

Fucktomb was my favorite episode of “Succession”

You sick mother. (brilliant)

Does that even matter? Clarence Thomas still sits on the court, so he won’t be the worst jurist among the 9,  and as long as the Repubs have the numbers to confirm, everything else is noise and theater.

you left out the last part of the sentence “ kill himself and take both teams and fan bases with him.”  FIFY

Shouldn’t they be sitting in front of the US and Kuwaiti flags? As it stands (or sits) they are sitting in front of the flags of the USN and USMC.