Wharf Rat

You know who also loved the look of that crowd...

was right there with you. But, alas, I was in the greys

Was expecting to see Jeff Hornacek’s picture here.

It may have been a penalty but you don’t make that call in stoppage time.


He must have a chronic illness.

This. Over and Over Again.

Clearly, International Law doesn’t apply to this group. Otherwise, Kristol’s boys Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld would be in the Hague.

Tucker, President is not spelled “P-A-N-D-A”

“really, it’s not that big a deal”—Vince Russo and David Arquette

Was really hoping for the Strowman heel turn where he puts runs the kid over with an ambulance.

I think he means Burnley

Mike Myers doing old, tired bits on Fallon. Who could have seen that coming?

Of course, she could focus on The Clinton Foundation...

Looks like Trump is not alone in believing he could shoot someone in full view and it not matter

I don’t think you need the word “reportedly”.

President Judge Smails.

Now imagine if they were able to bring in their guns...

“I feel you pal...”—Rocky Dennis