Big Mclargehuge

Free range rude

Because no one worth our respect can have worked a menial labour job beforehand?

You betcha

Bear people, bear people,
Teeth like bears, kill like people

Anyone else get a Manhunter nod from that leap through the glass?

MANBEARPIG! Totally cereal!

AAAAAAAAAAHHH! …*Awkwardly climbs out of bumper car driving slowly towards you*

No RIP for Abel Gideon? Izzard chewed that role like a champ.

Hannibal certainly has experience eating ladies…

"I think he eats people"

But then nerds would point out how in one scene the same rib is hit but a different note plays. What, is this? Some kinda magical xylophone?

Why not both?

As Beck once said, "Get crazy with the cheese whizz"

She blinded me with Zombies!

Bob Johnson! …oh wait.

Witty banter was the first victim of the apocalypse, along with office hallways and people with folksy wisdom based on esoteric historical quotes.

And teach them the true meaning of The Great Gatsby

I'd use a trash can lid so I could say this every time.

We do not speak of that show.