mr. steal your costco samples

this is basically us.

that worries me about the area. how would you further describe Seattle liberals w/r/t issues with POC?

what's wrong with a nice mix of kids/money/knut/politics compatibility? who needs a prince/princess?

People like that kinda put me off Jack and Jill for my young tbh

I related to that Jidenna.

ayo he was garbage for three / four years though.

yeah…but women ain't fairy tale princesses or the pot of gold you deserve at the end of the tryhard rainbow

team Molly. so much like my old girlfriends. super successful, fine, but totally arbitrary about everything.

Hollywood loves to give tryhard herbs romantic success.

this dude outchea talmabout LEFTISTS evangelicize their politics?

trash. relish this block.

re: "crying wolf" — the first million times y'all ignored it and then on #1,000,001, it became too much.


you called it "reasoning". you a lie

lmaoooooooooooooooo you ain't never lied even a little about that.

thaaaaat was brazy.

shoulda asked them for five bucks.

I HATE those conversations. you are one bad day from the prison industrial complex and one year of white flight away from bad schools. they don't get it, they think that behavior and respectability will protect them.

well, Jesus low key hates niqqas, so not a ton of options.

education is a weak degree that doesn't take much reading, they think