I always liked the Biggie one. NSFW due to some motherfuckers.
I always liked the Biggie one. NSFW due to some motherfuckers.
As far as I'm concerned, they're real if I can touch them. Most often I can't though :(
You're WAY out of line with your sarcasm. I'm left after watching that commercial knowing that now I HATE Chevy, no nothing about their vehicle, and have been cruelly reminded that the dogs we love so much have such an unfortunately short lifespan. I'm sorry, did the "targeted...demographic" see something that I…
I want to see how well it will "baby".
hey if the pope can use potty talk so can the 10 year old jalop writers, car is poofy as all get out
[adopting grumpy old man voice]
When I was young we didn't have tow ratings which just pulled whatever needed to be moved with whatever we had[/old man voice]
It snows in Jamaica?
Put Torch on the job. It will piss him off and keep him busy at the same time.
I thought it was an awesome article about how much fun it is to dick around in the snow for no reason at all. Maybe you're just a boring person?
I enjoyed reading it.
You think Walmart will sponsor them?
Nope. Just thought of the lowest class, rest-of-the-world infuriating high dollar sponsor that could go on the car.
The other day I had a BMW 335i automatic with SMG. I felt like Newt Gingrich looking at a smartphone.
Oh dont worry, the time-keeping is perfect. The drivers know exactly how late they are.