
I also feel sympathy towards Dr. DePaul. .It was a huge slap in the face when the woman approached her as a secretary and called Virignia "Dr. Johnson." Virginia has no academic or professional qualifications, so it is completely understandable that an outsider would think her position was handed to her.
I also think

Well, I am that upper middle class Jew who attended a very similar summer cap for seven years in the Catskills. So, I guess that's why the humor really hits home for me.

I guess I should have said that the finales tend to be inconsistent with the movie- i also love Bad Santa, which isn't a good example of bad endings. I only meant that the endings are inconsistent with the movie's tone. I was just pointing out that the action scene at the end didn't go with the tone of the rest of

that's exactly the point i was trying to make. "happy ending" is not the right term. it's what you said about keeping the right tone. Even Anchorman, I feel like the ending is more cute than laugh out loud funny like the rest of the movie. I agree about Superbad- it still had the resolution part that these

It is unfortunately the trend nowadays. Take other hilarious movies listed at random, i.e. Anchorman, Bad Santa, Wedding Crashers. They all have endings that are significantly less funny because they feel the need to resolve the plot and offer some kind of a happy ending.

True that. WHAS is a favorite for me. Did you attend summer camp? I have noticed that the people who are obsessed with it tend to have attended summer camp, like me.
Also, that's why I said "somewhat" close second, because. unlike WHAS, the movie doesn't make you keel over with laughter the entire time. Role

I completely agree. As I mentioned above, the setup episodes tend to test my patience, because they are slow, sometimes boring, and don't yet tie in or even lead to a central plot. However, as we have seen in previous seasons, the setup episodes eventually fit in and will pay off in the final episodes. In general,

I'm confused about what ambition means in this context. Do you mean in terms of what the show aims to accomplish for society? Lost, even with all its flaws, is certainly an ambitious show in that context for many of its influences on today's shows; e.g., the tendency to focus on multiple characters' explorations

The aspect of Boardwalk that I appreciate is that each season maintains the same format. It starts out relatively slow with episodes that alternate between plot setup and plot development. The last few, though, are really intense and action- packed after things come to a head. Even if some of the earlier episodes

I originally knew him from Wet Hot American Summer, which is easily Wain's best movie. Role Models, for me is a somewhat close second.

there was one funny line from the movie. when jon favreau's character goes: "screw him. where does he get the ass to run down Sandals?"

i havent read many comments responding to season 4. am i the only one who liked it a lot? i watched the first few episodes with friends and was not impressed at first. but then after watching the episodes again…and now having finished the 3rd watch this past weekend, i think it's great. i try not to compare it to s1-3

SamR- I disagree. I think there's more than enough 'girly girl' pop singers who are always pushing new singles that encapsulate the same things- whether it be obsessing over their boyfriend, spending nights in with their girlfriends and many lyrics that describe their outfits. there are far less singers who are

i loved o-town- still do- 'we fit together' is my jam. im also a libertarian so good point on that- but i feel like my girlfriends- 86-ers- were only into bsb for a short time before n'sync ripped them a new one. i still remember in 8th grade my friends dad a music producer got us front row seats for a Justin

ahh agreed. i only know the name from the eminem song lyric, 'chris kirpatrick you can get your ass kicked'. but i honestly didn't know he was in nsync, i wouldve guessed bsb or 98 degrees, until i read this article. nobody ever mentions o-town, which was awesome and 'we fit together' is on my 'get horny' playlist

i think personal taste in sandler movies is particularly varied, probably because it's so silly and unsophisticated. it's a difficult argument to make- none of his movies are 'good' and subsequently get destroyed by critics despite their box office success. most people i know consider happy gilmore and billy madison

its not out of jealousy on my behalf. and, none of the guys i know, including my boyfriend, masturbate to anne hathaway. i find her annoying honestly. and she comes off as smug in all her interviews and her oscar speech. she simply irritates me.

i second that.

its nothing like yelling at your friend for a religious beliefs. evolution accounts for any genetic change undergone by a species over time. it is the basis behind the career ross has chosen,so, of course, he will argue with phoebe. it would be the reverse if ross told phoebe, 'massage therapy is bogus.' as a

ah i loved moo point, my best friend and i still reference that. joey was by far the funniest character on the show