
I agree with Sunny Couture. Atonement is certainly possible - I’m on your side in agreeing that Jez is too much ‘once a sinner always a sinner’ style conservative. But Gaga hasn’t done any explaining or atoning or anything like that, at least to my knowledge.

We’re talking about Gaga here and she actively wants to present to the world how strong she is and how she was bullied and sexually assaulted. That’s all fine and dandy but then you work with Terry Richardson, a known rapist and sexual harasser. She then works with R. Kelly, a known pedophile.

You don’t have to pump! I swear.

Yep, I was so on board with breastfeeding, then I had a wee preemie and, it turns out, super low milk supply. Which I didn’t even know was a thing, since all the books tell us we will naturally be fertile, milky goddesses. Female friends kept winkingly giving me the pads you put in bras to soak up leaking (even though

That’s why her singing “Till It Happens to You” is entirely a colossal shitstain because it’s disingenuous. She openly sang and worked with R Kelly and Terry. The Kelly song was honestly suggesting that Kelly can do whatever he wanted with her body. Fuck her. She plays the victim card when it’s necessary for her.

Listen! In DC all they push is breast feeding, which is fine for women who genuinely want to, but as expensive as this area is...I knew I had to go back to work. It’s insane to think that I was supposed to feel a way towards the pump, it was helpful! I ended going formula only after a month because breastfeeding is

TBH, I live in a place where breast feeding is heavily pushed and think I was slightly brainwashed when it came to breastmilk vs formula. I had envisioned floating around in a maxi dress, drinking herbal iced tea and popping my baby on my breast whenever it wanted. Both my kids turned out to be tiny five pounders and

If you go back to work and breastfeed, that’s basically your option. Not everyone can or wants to stay home.

I also never pumped, though.  I was one of those awful formula feeding moms.

nor did his co-star Lady Gaga

Poor Mercury, no one cares about Mercury.

Pluto was only downgraded* to avoid designating Eris as a Planet in the first place.

This Cazzie David could have made a deeper incision commenting on her surgical procedures and plastics (yeah I know, but work with me here!), but then again she ain’t as petty as I am

Late term pregnancies are extremely rare. They are fewer than 1% of all pregnancies, and you have to visit specialist doctors to get one. They are not available just because someone wants to end a pregnancy. They are available because the baby will be born with massive health issues, is nonviable, or is a risk to the

You must have missed the part that said “NON-VIABLE PREGNANCY.” You should also read the article from the woman who had to terminate her very much wanted pregnancy because it wasn’t viable. Women are not stupid. No one decides at 32 weeks to just get an abortion.

The u/s said I was half a week or so past the cut off, which I was surprised to learn was that early in my liberal state. I heard the nurse mutter something to the doctor, he hissed in response, “I’m not sending her to [next state over].”

Seriously. Simon Barney, Slade Smiley (even if he was never actually married to Jo or Gretchen), fucking Josh whathisname from RHONY, Jason fucking Hoppy, the new balding guy on RHOC, Russell Armstrong (even if Taylor was totally in on the conning, he still definitely beat her). This is 30 seconds of brainstorming!

Dolphins are not the sweet and innocent animals people think they are - pods of male dolphins will separate a female from her pod and gang rape her while attacking her to prevent her from leaving. They will literally stick their dicks in anything to get off - including (but not limited to) the rotting carcasses of

I know Emmylou Harris, Bjorke, Loretta Lynn and Neko Case have had problems getting other musicians to listen to them. Were they lacking musical chops too? Hell, Barbara Mandrell had problems getting guys to listen to her and she is a writer/singer/producer who plays 6 instruments and started touring as a steel

How come no one in the White House or FOX is clutching the Talbots pearls over the Watts’s deaths and pointing to a larger problem with white men in this country?