with amouranth was it not her ass being directly aimed at the camera COMBINED with the asmr that resulted in her ban? I feel like the article is SORELY missing out on that crucial piece of information.
with amouranth was it not her ass being directly aimed at the camera COMBINED with the asmr that resulted in her ban? I feel like the article is SORELY missing out on that crucial piece of information.
Xonai tech
Yeah! A lot like early Spongebob. RC was def targeted at a teenage demographic originally and then I feel like the age target lowered as it went on.
Pretty sure his comment was a joke and it flew right over your head
Every comment he makes usually pisses me off
He most definitely should. Kentaro Miura’s death should be an eye-opener for many Japanese creatives. He worked every single day of his life, and his sedimentary life-style most likely led to his (in my opinion) early death. These amazing creatives deserve a happy life, and if that means they need to retire, they…
I’d say most streamers have those rules for chat, and if they don’t, they have to be a different type of scum.
If the water parks in question include women doing purposefully suggestive things, and you are going solely there for that and nothing else, then yes, it’s softcore porn.
Do you honestly believe that these streams are empowering and not the commodification (for male consumption) of their own bodies? In no way was his statement dehumanizing, the hot tub streamers are literally dehumanizing themselves. You cannot deny that more than 90% of hot tub stream viewers are male. There are…
Those charges against him were dropped a few months ago.
The students that accused him dropped their charges a few months ago, so we can’t really take their word for certain.
pitting him against the white man (the evil pope or whatever) was really forced too. it would've been interesting had it actually happened, but obviously it didn't. pretty below average anime unfortunately...
I think the lack of saves after you start a run is the same reason as it is in Hades: to prevent people from doing the same run twice. People can set paths and complete the game faster if they just reload saves after they memorized areas during a run.
Cryptomining is only temporary. We're honestly not even that far away from being finished with mining. Not to mention that a study found that 80% of mining operations ran on renewables. Crypto in the long run will consume less energy that printing the American dollar.
the amount of teenage girls who make OFs the day they become 18 is quite alarming and should be.....They are literally being groomed by the internet into sex work. Look at what happened today with BhadBabie. It’s pedophilia to me.
On another note, sex work will always enable misogyny. The commodification of women is…
memers don’t care why the fuck does kotaku
millennials don’t know how to meme so instead they go against the grain
lol sometimes I wonder why Kotaku is so anti-gamer culture, and then I just realize most of the editors are millennials. This is playful fun. Why be so anti-meme?
This. I stopped playing world because of this. Rise splitting up the single-player and the multiplayer missions are the best part of the game.
uh...it doesn’t let me adjust the quantity?
uh...it doesn’t let me adjust the quantity?