
Whoa, you just mentioned a bunch of anime I love but don't often hear mentioned together. I'm now really interested to look into the ones you mentioned that I haven't heard of.

Goode is only joining "Downton Abbey" for the Christmas special.

It's worse than that: the show returns January 2 and has a second episode in January (presumably January 9), and then it's gone again until March!

If you're right, I get it. The entity that was Lockhart/Gardner is now the entity that is Lee/Canning, and while Florrick, Agos & Lockhart feature the players involved in Cuesta's case, it does not feature the same firm. Even if that is the law, I think it deserved to be addressed by a line of dialogue.

Yeah, another user said that, and if that's true, I accept it. The entity that was Lockhart/Gardner is now the entity that is Lee/Canning, and while Florrick, Agos & Lockhart feature the players involved in Cuesta's case, it does not feature the same firm. Even if that is the law, I think it deserved to be addressed

This was exactly my question. Cuesta was a regularly recurring lawyer for the first three seasons, and after he has to hire Lockhart/Gardner to defend him, he says "You know I'll never be able to preside over one of your cases again." I'd always thought that was interesting.

"neither of who are" — really?

I know he made many better, more acclaimed films, but I'll fight anyone who doesn't like "Tempest."

Well, they'll bring him back for holiday episodes, I'm sure. They could even wrangle in some spring break legal fiasco. We already only see him every few episodes anyway.

Wendy Scott-Carr works for the feds at Justice now, and she was always played as the Ahab to Peter's Moby Dick anyway. I miss her so much.

Yeah, Mrs Pencildick thinks she remembers a scene in which Marilyn actually resigned whereas I seem to recall that her last scene was handing over the flashdrive to Agent Dubek, which would imply she later resigned. In either case, I am in the tiny minority who enjoyed Marilyn, and I thought she would've made a nice

Yes, they minded Bay's meddling so much they wrote two more screenplays for him.

You really had to qualify who Ken Watanabe is by citing "Inception"? I thought he was a decently well-known guy.

Small world!

But you haven't heard it isn't a biopic?

Oh, whoa. My worldview as an AVClub lurker has just gotten a lot smaller. All you people are in DC.

As a Washingtonian, I must inform you that no self-respecting person in DC calls that airport "Reagan." We can it "National" and cringe when foreigners don't know to do likewise.

National is much closer to the city AND has a Metrorail stop. Dulles is out in the boonies.

Holy shit, Dikachu is a Washingtonian? *dick-five*

That Thicky Trick music video makes my heart sing, though.