
Whoa for the "Nightcrawler/Ozymandias" connection. I knew both of those things but had not thought about them together. Last week, we had Curt Connors!

I think you're right on the money here. Plus, though, we spent a while in the first season pondering Alicia more than knowing her because of her subtlety — maybe Finn will similarly benefit once we know him better.

Well, I guess either they're setting him up to win and thus returning us to the days of Cary working on the other side but remaining a main cast member and all that (which would set Finn up interestingly as a legal rival/social friend and as a SA in comparison to Peter's time in the office), or they're setting him up

Oho! You're right: I totally skimmed over "is or was."

I missed his first line because it was whispered and the first thing he said, but otherwise I had no trouble, and I'm 24. I guess I just have more wisdom than a wee 22-year-old.

"I think they chose to make fun of Low Winter Sun because it was an example of how cable *isn't* always better than network."

I thought the buffering/debuffering was sort of a dig at Netflix, but more of a knowing, gosh-this-happens-sometimes thing than a middle finger of any kind to Netflix.

I'd imagine it's sort of a major leap to go from day job to political campaign. He'll have to learn how to want it.

By trying at all, he already seems to be find some buried, slow-burning ambition within himself he didn't realize he had. (How very…Alicia of him.)

Huh. I don't think I realized that was, like, allowed. Interesting. Kind of goes against my other post about how the show proxies some sites while actually using others.

Yes, I completely agree.

I cannot agree with you more on the Silk Road angle. Given that Silk Road gets a lot of comparisons to Craigslist, I was thinking they could try to suggest that the Silk Road being investigated here was the one specifically focused on the Chicago area rather than the website overall (which still would've made it a

I can totally see that, sure.

Surely it'd still be illegal or in bad taste to fire Finn then because it would look like retaliation. Still, I'm assuming they're going to have Finn win — they're building up Castro as a nasty little piece of work (perhaps inconsistently so?) as further evidenced by the promo for next week's episode.

Veronica's last name is actually "Loy." I know she remarried at least once after divorcing her children's father (when we meet her in the fourth season, her current husband has just died), and I would swear that it's been mentioned that she's been married maybe four times, though I can't find a source offhand.

Don't admit any association with Silk Road! Soon you'll find yourself being framed for something and also murdered and also with planted drugs.

Wow, I can't believe Richard Kind slipped my mind. (Meanwhile, Stephen Root was never on "Scrubs"? How is that possible.)

While the show clearly specifically reflects "Low Winter Sun," I've really always thought of it as satirizing Prestige Television, period. In keeping with that idea, Grace could well be obsessed with "Breaking Bad," "Mad Men," or "True Detective."

Everyone else seems to find him a pretty charismatic actor thus far — and Eli certainly didn't interpret the scene as though Goode were bombing it. I'm still on the fence about Finn.

So wouldn't an investigation into Silk Road — particularly into the supposed founder — be a federal one? Why was this ever in Finn's court to begin with? (Please do tell me if I'm wrong because it always takes me out of "The Good Wife" hard when they make a mistake like that, especially because it's so rare for the