
Yeah, but according to a Variety article I read today, it was this apparent falling-out with Worldwide Pants that prompted CBS to step in as a co-producer in the first place.

Yeah, the extensive and consistent universe of judges, cops, lawyers, employees, etc. is one of my very favorite things about this show. Sure, a lot of those people are obvious (eg, Mamie Gummer, Kurt Fuller, Nicole Roderick), but many of them are more subtle yet still constant. So great.

Does Wendy Scott-Carr think she's truly good? I'm pretty sure she's aware she's an Ahab in righteous clothing. Dubek definitely comes across more the Javert, though.

Yes, but there is a common association between people who are Muslim and people who have a particular skin color, and so a lot of Islamophobic sentiment is implicitly racist as well. It's an intersection of bigotries.

I'm pretty sure they were pointing out the prejudice, and the quick success was to point out how lazy and damning that prejudice is.

That's a hilarious observation.

Her films tend to be rooted in a particular gimmick (ugh, "Rage"), but "Orlando" is amazing and rich, and if the gimmick of "Yes" works for you (as it does for me), it's hypnotic and quite affecting.

Oh, whoa, a reply from the author. Cool!

Aw, Sally Potter doesn't make it into the auteur category? Even with "Orlando" and "Yes" under her belt? Boo.

I read the interview, too, but all they say is some vague and polite thing about hoping to use him again in the future — nothing promising or concrete.

Alan Cumming did "Macbeth" and has been doing a production of "Cabaret" while doing "The Good Wife," and I wouldn't be surprised if Nathan Lane has kept up his theatre work while appearing on the show — not to mention Baranski filming "Into the Woods" in London while commuting to New York to shoot "The Good Wife" — so

Yeah, I'm really interested in Owen's return. It promises to be a solid and fascinating look into Alicia's mind right now.

I'm sure the pool of local theatre talent (I read an article a couple of years ago dubbing "The Good Wife" as the heir to the "Law & Order" throne of something every little New York actor does) doesn't hurt, too.

Oh, totally (I mentioned him by name, after all!), but they've only brought him back once since his major arc ended in the second season, and it was a little bit of a "look where they are now"/"last chance at vengeance" moment. Scott-Carr returned twice for multi-episode arcs across two seasons as her relentless

Well, it came into the Dubek case, too, but yeah, I was definitely expecting a much greater amount of chaos and paranoia when the story first broke toward the beginning of the season.

Actually, while typing, one can distinguish between Our *Cary* and Other *Carey* by virtue of their differently spelled names! Fun (Boring?) Fact!

Yeah, I noticed that when he was cast.

I couldn't possibly agree with you more. All due love to Elsbeth (truly), but Scott-Carr was always far and away my favorite recurring guest, and I miss her terribly.

I have zero memories of their namedropping him at all, and I'm on my third run-through, but I guess I'll check during my fourth!

Yes. We've also never met both parents of any major character — just one or the other.