
For the Pens two Fluery and Murray.

It’s pretty much just a Chiappa Rhino.

Nfl and their fucking rule changes, you used to pretty much do what ever you wanted to Newton.

I remember hearing back in the 90's KKK members would hang three fingers out of their pockets as a sign of open defiance, I think it’s derived from that.

She is very proud of their “oh shit another shooting use the NRA allocated hush money” fund. 

Pretty sure two elections ago the GOP was dreaming of Biden too, until he took their wunder douche apart in front of the whole fucking world. If the orangecocksickle makes it too 2020, I really don’t see him doing much better.

I’m pretty sure Trump got idea that the country can be made safer by kidnapping children from Captain America.

I miss Tortorella and Larry Brooks’s little heart to hearts.

What is Torts so pissed about no team has ever dumped Jack Johnson and not won the cup.

She’s like Joel and Kratos got together and somehow made a little baby girl, who hates throats and the people who have them.

I had last model year GTZ 180Hp quad 4, 5 speed Getrag the only thing I don’t miss is putting tires on it.

I know bitcoin is a huge part of why I’ll probably be stuck with my GTX1060 for a while longer but I can’t help but place some blame on the retail end as well, every company seemed to release about a dozen different 1070/TI’s and 1080/TI’s.

I can’t imagine the look on health nazi Brooks Orpik’s face the first time he saw Ovi eating that.

I heard Buff put them in timeout with no booze or Vicodin.

They made games for that!?

The Zotec 1060's while being 70+ dollars higher offer an extra 3gb of vram.

The Zotec 1060's while being 70+ dollars higher offer an extra 3gb of vram.

I’d feel bad about murdering every team except those fucking Russians they had it coming.

If you lose a game 7 in the first period you didn’t deserve to be there in the first place.

How’s the goalie at fault when the team only scored one fucking goal?

If you look for it you can find it easilly, yeah the old regime that still holds a tenous string of power is still pretty into the whole death to America thing but a huge segment of their younger population has shown a lot of promise of wanting to join the world as it is today.