
My best available where I live 5mbps connection keeps my cable intact.

Still hope there is going to be upgraded wolf armor, I haven’t seen anything more badass looking then the stuff he stuff he starts in.

Two of my four Ps3 controllers are the original six axis, they are light and the batteries last forever.

Ray Shero is a crafty motherfucker, I would stay tuned.

This story has turned pretty rough for me at this point, over the past summer we lost my brother in law who also happened to be my best friend in a car accident he left behind two very young children. I’ve been trying to stand in for him as he would do for me in reversed roles but for some reason when playing this I

Game looks fine to me but it does bring my GPU’s to thier knee’s getting sub 40fps at a lot of parts.

My guess would be since he’s on the Xbone he just found an awesome sword or piece of armor and his save corrupted.

Wish the Pens could get a physical defenseman who can chip in an occasional goal like that Despres kid.

I was dozing at that point but I didn’t think I saw Montana, Young or Aikman throwing footballs at stuff.

All that stuff is free and it launches together with no exclusive rights bullshit with only the expansion packs costing extra. Use that DLC anger at EA who fucked over by far the largest paying group of Dragon Age customers with the One/Pc getting DLC months in advance ahead of the Ps4.(not to mention Ps3 and 360)

That one was hard to get but probably made the most sense out of all the endings, Sheppard just gets up walks over to an elavator and just rides for the rest of his/her days.

There is something going on here a lot of teams have figuratively toxic upper managment with the numbers of the Sens top guys getting ill I’m pretty sure the Canadian CDC should investigate.

Just over the weekend I noticed the ends of the handrails on my back porch were starting to fray into splinters a job for some sandpaper and maybe a palmsander for normal people, I got out the grinder with a steel flapdisk and smoothed down everything before resealing it. I use the grinder for everything, gotta say

I have no idea how Nintendo hasn’t had Sega do a Shenmue collection on the Wii U it just seems like it would be a perfect fit.

And thus another summer of fruitlessly trying to fulfill their father’s wasted dreams despite their best efforts to thwart it begins for the student athletes of Franklin High.

Wouldn’t much matter to me it’s been so long since I played them i can’t remember what was going on anyway.

Never got to finish Lost Odyssey my 360 died for that last time on the 4th disc.

Clearly talking about 6 which would get a lot of votes, if it where my opinion I would say 2/4 because that was the first one I played and kinda got me into RPG’s. Still it’s gotta say something of the quality that series is known for when asking a room full of people what the best one is can come up with a half a

CPR just stated not to buy the witcher 3 from Green man becuase they don’t have any keys.

CPR just stated not to buy the witcher 3 from Green man becuase they don’t have any keys.