
@Cromwell: Give it a few weeks and some enterprising hacker will probably have the proper drivers ready.

This is just giving the machines more reason to rise up against us.

@8bitch: Wouldn't overcompensating mean a mansion?

Why don't you guys go play LucasArt's 'The Dig'?

Budapixels in Gigapest.

I can see my post from here!

Now playing

This sounds much like the dream that Microsoft had with their 'Origami' project (that, of course, never came through with).

@AcidSpoon: Now I know who to keep away from the beakers in my chemistry lab.

@Eptin: Come to think of it, it's also about connecting people. Double-whammy.

Now playing

So here's your 'connocting poopie' video clip of the day.

@Celtic1888: I believe Apple will be updating iChat soon(ish). Perhaps in the next OS release, since 10.6 was all about the backend, and 10.7 will focus on new, consumer-facing features?

@amorde: MobileMe already has iDisk, which is their Dropbox competitor.

@LandShark: I think you're right. They would be ones to do this, too

@bigtimes: And how are you planning on seeing it? You kind of have to take their word on it, unless you have a submersible we don't know about.

@Technologist: No, having a good browser will be part of what makes or breaks Windows Phone 7. For the longest time, Safari was the one and only choice on the iPhone. That seemed to work pretty well for them.

@Rain-man: Agreed. Who made this fine piece of art?