Actual case.
Actual case.
Appendix D - Team Owner Statements
Minnesota Vikings
Yes, you the reader were seeking out enjoyment. Do you think the message writers to “Ask A Lawyer” were looking to be entertained?
You really think some of the people who wrote these notes have any common sense?
Nope. Great attempt at a shot, though. My point remains (despite your feeble attempt): if you need to say at the end of your piece that- regardless of anything you just wrote- everyone should instead seek out professional advice from another person, maybe your piece provided very little?
“Ask a Lawyer” is the worst idea ever. Any lawyer worth a shit would say: “Interesting, but the answer depends on a lot of information I don’t have and where you are located.”
Brian Kelly had to change his pants after watching this.
Also not a good look: getting sanctimonious as shit over internet comments.
“Grantland distinguished itself with quality writing, smart ideas, original thinking and fun. We are
grateful to those who made it sodone with that.”
He’s doing something nice for Rivers and Cassell, not the Clippers.
Somewhere Brian Kelly yelled in anger just to offset this reaction and keep the universe in balance.
No, you aren’t going to hell for a joke. It was just really not that funny to begin with, and you are kind of a dick for making it.
Not at all... in fact I thought it was insane at the time. The problem is, it wasn’t insane because they were set at WR, but more because they were MUCH MUCH WORSE at multiple other positions. I just don’t buy the notion that they are SOOOO DEEP at WR.
No, they all opened cheered the losses. I live here and it was pathetic.
Andre is over the hill and had like 40 yards through the first 4 or so games.
You say deep as hell at receiver as if that is sacrosanct truth. I know that was the talking point for fans going into the season, but really? Are you really that deep?
Agree on all counts. Same here, and I hate the Colts and live in Indy.
Question- does anyone ascribe to the thought that, entering the period in which Luck’s first massive contract will be negotiated, the team (Irsay) may actually gain significant leverage from his poor play? Sabotage, dare I say? I mean, they sucked pretty intentionally to draft him...