
You’re right it’s totally about taste and people are not influenced by anything superficial. People are so objective that they can’t even recognize their claimed favorite vodka in blind taste tests, but you keep believing it’s your taste in food that drives you to eat a certain restaurant, and just ignore the fact

What you “proved” is that wearing of certain clothing for women is mandated by the Koran, in order to be considered a good Muslim.

Funny, because plenty of Muslim women consider the wearing of certain clothing as irrelevant to being a good Muslim. They emphasize that it’s very much a choice every Muslim woman gets to make.

It is a dress code and it’s no different than requiring that people learn French. They don’t speak French as the official language in Saudi Arabia, Oman, etc. and are forced to learn it when they go to French public schools.

Is it discriminatory for them to be required to speak French in France? Because I’m pretty sure that Mohammed didn’t say anything about learning the foreign language of your adopted country.

It’s not discriminatory to have a dress code any more than it is discriminatory for businesses to post signs that say “no shirt, no shoes, no service”.

There is nothing in the Koran that says you have to wear any special clothing to be a good and observant Muslim. As we’re constantly being told, wearing a head scarf (or whatever) is a choice.

Then educate yourself by looking up some of those statistics you were wondering about.

And you seem illiterate, cunt.

Own your shit, snob.

Sure you don’t because you’re above all that. That’s why you go to McDonald’s as the it place to be, right?

The problem is that you can’t say “x is over the line but y is not’, even though they’re both unfair.

Sure, ignore the fact that 95% of places you hear about having good food, you hear about because the atmosphere, i.e. look of the place and the look of its staff, make it memorable.

Public transportation is more expensive? Since when do bus passes cost $400 a month anywhere?

Or you can do your part by frequenting establishments that have unattractive and plain looking staff.

Minimum standards? Honey, you’re reading a trashy tabloid that makes fun of women they disagree with and calls it feminism. So fuck yourself with your “standards”

It’s not irrelevant when it’s a reflection of a person’s judgment. Good luck trying to fit in with your designer purse and vintage Chanel suit from your grandma when you’re trying to get hired as a receptionist at your local veterinarian’s office, or other similar jobs that pay $30K.

You’re arguing that cars are free and I’m the one being willfully obtuse?

I don’t think you should have to compromise your style. Be like this lady, and then complain that you can’t get hired because people are racists.

Sure, heaven forbid that you should have to interact with people that don’t validate your world view. Go fuck yourself in your safe space.