
Ok, but then that means that manufacturer's would be responsible for all of that sales infrastructure, which in turn leads to more cost out of their pockets which drive car prices up.

So I was wondering if someone could give some insight as to why the dealership system is arcane?

Is there any update on the HBOGO app? It was supposed to have released in December and it hasnt.

The concept of the JukeR is pretty damn cool, especially how they fit that big motor in such a small car. Other than that everything else about the Juke is terrible. It's a phase that you will grow out of.

Immensely weird. Too bad it doesnt work on the Juke

I have to admit that looks way better than the stock, its actually a huge improvement.

Can we get something like this stateside please?

You know what I find fascinating? The exterior size difference isn't that large a gap between the JDM and the 'merica Odyssey.

Definitely the complication would be a headache. I saw a video of the sto-n-go seats from the Caravan/T&C minivans and for what you get in convenience, you totally lose in comfort for the 2nd row seats.

Soooo much WTF going in that clip...my head hurts

Um, I'd disagree. 4 doors and an enclosed trunk...dat be a wagon.

Because that headgear was all the rage with the Pharaohs...duh!

The list of people involved include an international conglomeration of banks, a mysterious Chinese businessman, unions in multiple countries, an Indian tiremaker, and a Delaware judge. The WSJ has the best read so far.

I think integrated car seats is a bad idea for the consumers and manufacteurs. I'd prefer to spend the cash and buy the car seats.

The Honda Odyssey doesnt feel like a minivan at all and is sleek for a minivan.

Neutral: Have You Ever Bought A Minivan? What was the overriding factor that had you choose one over another? Would you ever buy a minivan if you haven't?

But goood on soooo many levels!

Die Hard 3 was THE best Die Hard!

Tomita, at least you post your reasons.

Cmon man, the E30 isnt shitty..dont hate.