Maybe thats why most of the sports cars have gone to paddles, shifting 12 times can be tedious?
Fuuuuuuuuu! Why would anyone do something so horrible, it was bad enough in the game now this...
Percieve in two senses.
At work I bend old PCI expansion covers to hang my headphones on and my LYNC headset.
@thevulcansalute was the annoying curly haired girl from growing pains. I knew the voice was familiar.
We only perceive it as blue.
This coming from FOX!!
I thought Cam Clarke was the male voice in half of all video
You're right, the dash panel is somewhat simlar. Should have notice the nice rounded steering wheel buttons.
Have they announced which retailers?
I would love a game like this where team based play is incorporated in a RPG in this fashion.
The interior dash looks more like a 350Z, no?
The interior is very nice and I generally value the interior more than the exterior. But this thing is butt-ugly outside. Almost as bad as an Aztek.
Was he driving a Toyota Sequoia?
So is that a good guess or all the onboard computers generalizing the MPG?
Who takes video's like that seriously? 12 year olds?
Yeah, they still havent realized that if the product you put out is crap, thats what you get in return.