
Maybe if this catches on, terrorism will decrease as it gives Saudi youths a creative outlet for their energy.


I dont think thats a Macbook.

Is that John Travolta?

One thing I think that no one is mentioning is their pay for use model via Live Gold subs.

Where do you buy your bath salts?

It could be a panarimo (SP?) shot then?

The fact that you can navigate the road means that you can get more information about where you are. When I was in the midst of a forest highway I "drove" down the road to see where I was.

or goo.gl

I didnt know that Baron Harkonnen was an eagles fan!

His hair coming out of the car is just tooo much man, I LOLed...HARD!!

Im going to be the buzzkill, 360 degrees represents a revolution, as in a revolution in gaming is what the 360 was meant to be.

That space between the eyebrows looks barren. Another case of bad manscaping?

But there is a difference in taste. ISWYDT, kudos.

Besides some styling cues, there is no major difference between the two, correct?

Am I the only one that went "meh" after all that suspense and...dat...dat ending?!

LMAO as if having a slide in the work space is supposed to make me jealous. I'd prefer this:

You're too kind!

Douchiness points:

If you want a lot of detail about SH-AWD, then watch this video. Technical jargon is the only jargon that John Davis knows!