+1 Whats up with all the recent russian daredevil videos? The kids climbing up the bridge was intense.
+1 Whats up with all the recent russian daredevil videos? The kids climbing up the bridge was intense.
I dont think you can do it, theres no real drive for developers to come up with it. Plus you would have to write all of the drivers from scratch. The HD7 is the lone exception because its been markets as a Droid but first had Windows Phone 6.5 on it IRC
Good news for me, I didnt have to do the hack and I think I have the option to update to Mango. At least its updating to 7390 which hopefully will be the gateway to 7.5 Im assuming that you can upgrade directly from a version 2 back of 7.5
You dont need to use a comma when using "and" and "but" its optional.
You know someone really needs to do an article on why the camera on the iPhone 4 is so good! I have a EVO and since I upgraded my SD to a class 10, Ive noticed improved photo and videos but even with 8MP, cant compare to the iPhone 4. Also my wife's focus running WP7 suffers the same fate.
I'd have to put in Daemon and Freedom by Daniel Suarez.