Why the fuck would you watch someone else play video games?
Why the fuck would you watch someone else play video games?
How many Amouranth articles have you guys written at this point? Pretty sure the “Queen of Twitch” doesn’t need the extra exposure. Why not write some stuff about smaller streamers who could benefit instead?
You’d reckon that with that much money she wouldn’t have to spread her butthole on the internet for $20 anymore.
Another day, another rich person with more money than a rational person could ever spend doing as much as possible to avoid having to contribute to society financially. How is this video games news?
This thing is going to be an epic disaster. I guarantee a ton of people are going to buy it thinking it’s a portable and wind up returning it—and then whine about it on social media.
Right. It’s a thin niche and I gotta imagine most people who would legitimately use it recognize that it’s a luxury are ok waiting for it to come back in stock at $200 rather than the insane $350.
Excellent, let these stupid assholes waste their money, see this thing is mostly a dud, then eat shit and sell everything they bought at a loss in a month or two.
The truth is... you, everyone you know and love, everyone you don’t know and hate, this very planet, that suspicious block of cheese (you know the one), laniakea, the entire freakin universe, and yes, even I, your sort-of-friendly neighborhood ephemeral foliage, are all just an ad. Not just any ad, mind you. The…
They’ve been promising to do better for the entirety of Destiny’s lifespan
Marathon being delayed probably shows more that they’re concerned an extaction shooter that requires teams of multiple people to align their schedules and cooperate to grind on another battle pass won’t perform well in the mainstream.
when they took away content that you paid for and didn’t let you replay it that was really low
Stopped reading at “surprise and delight”. Corporate buzzwords.
Can we just start calling this the Cycle of Destiny? Every couple of years, players fall off for one reason or another, then Bungie says “sorry, we will make it right.” Then a couple of months later, there will be an article about how Destiny is better than ever and it's the best time to play.
He’s “reacting” to it like it’s some random tiktok video BS - as opposed to watching a mass genocide taking place. He is de-humanzing an atrocity against civilians, turning it into “entertainment” and being flippant about it.
He’s streaming his reaction to war footage which in turn, he gets paid for.
I don’t hate her but I despise the simp culture that exists today. She’s making a business decision to exploit them but it’s all around sad no matter how you look at it. I just ignore her streams like a normal person and don’t participate or interact with her or her chat.
It really cannot be said enough: the internet was a mistake.
the game was always good, if you played on hardware that could run it well
And how does the BMS keep the battery from getting too hot again?
It’s amazing how people keep falling for this clown’s bs. Safe and reliable FSD that can judge specific situations as well as humans is impossible and it’s not “right around the corner”. Any company that says they can accomplish this is knowingly scamming you.