So they can shove 30 ads in between each list
So they can shove 30 ads in between each list
There’s definitely going to be a ton of confused parents and disappointed kids this Christmas.
Reason number 256034 I won’t be buying an Xbox:
I dunno who asked her to write about things she clearly never experienced first hand but it’s really not the content I’m expecting from Kotaku.
Why did you write an article to basically WHINE about an album featuring a game you clearly were never a fan of? Killer Cuts was made for Killer Instinct fans, at a time when it was one of the biggest releases for Super Nintendo/Arcade. This article made you sound completely out of touch with what 90s kids actually…
Killer Cuts was incredible. And I still listen to it to this day on a regular basis. Even my dad liked Killer Cuts so much that he had me make a copy of it for him back in the day.
They literally said in the video that each new expansion will have it’s own entirely new never seen before location.
I think it’s superior to Doom 2016 in basically every way but I definitely agree that the storytelling took a turn for the worse. The ultra-simple, ever-present bits of storytelling that you got from the amazing first person animations in 2016 were so perfect. I loved how much personality they were able to give the…
That was a good, well researched story. Thanks
Maybe you’re confused - Bungie has never used that argument to justify anything. The main reason people know about Bungie’s slow tools is because of Kotaku’s reporting on Destiny’s problems, which is certainly not sanctioned by the studio or its management. Outside of a few granular GDC talks (which are a far cry from…
Lot’s of stuff is developed and iterated on and scrapped and reworked. That’s how things go. Sometimes something doesn’t make it in time and gets shelved till it can be flushed out more or refined. Some stuff never sees the light of day.
Why as a Corvette guy wouldn’t you want or be interested in the new C8. It’s going to be a much better performer more than likely stock for stock. As a MK4 Supra owner I have zero interest in the new Supra and I’m excited on learning more about the new C8 in person.
Why do people take sports cars to drag strips?
THE ENGINE IS IN THE MIDDLE NOW jesus christ there’s not just some parts laying around. Fuck everything, fuck me for reading comments
I’ll have to assume that the 40K difference in starting price would enter somewhere in the decision process..
Don’t worry, you’ll never be able to afford one so you’re safe from this boogeyman
It really feels good to play. The power, the secrets, the lore (IN GAME!). Every little thing just feels good.
It’s so good. Having a ton of fun again.
It doubles as sex toy too! If you’re brave enough you can say that about anythinig....