
You should read the list from the top down, not the bottom up.

My super serious additions to the above ridiculous list:

Wait. A kid blinded by special goo who gains heightened senses and reflexes, learn’s ninja skills and fights crime in bright red leather with a horned helmet is not believable because he “sees” blood and the fight scenes are choreographed? Do you even comics, bro?

I once got distracted in class and calculated, given perfect conditions, how long it would take to go from a single breeding pair of gray squirrels to enough squirrels to blanket the entirety of Earths land masses in annoying chittering fluffiness.

Did you mean “voilà”?

Trump 2016

Without the sun, the cacao tree could not possibly have created the cacao pod. The cacao pod is the product of the plant, and an investment into the future of the cacao tree’s species. It is trying to take over the planet. Do your duty. Eat its offspring, if only to prevent it from taking over the world.

The heart wants what the heart wants.

This is clearly a fake. There are no colors in DC Movies.

Or ‘buzz buzz buzz.’

You should care more about what it does than what it looks like. If looks matter to you more then get an iPhone.

This looks like it needs about 300% more gun-kata.

Isn’t that “the game” a “player” plays? He’s obviously at the market, or with his sister, or at work, or with his buds... but he’s also out with some sleaze. He’s at both locations and neither location at the same time, until “girl” observes him at one place or the other.

So you haven’t read the books and don’t watch the series, please regale us with more of your informed and brilliant criticism.

I just wanna know why Thom Yorke is starting to look like Smeagol

Please tell me you used ‘pessificially’ on purpose and you don’t actually think it is spelled that way...

Now playing

That’s because they get to be peacekeepers, keep their defense budgets low, rely on America to come in and kill people if they need it, and then feel smug about how they’ve moved beyond all that primitive violence.

How do we know these are not tiny elephants attacking regular sized pumpkins? There’s nothing close by to give scale.

you are also free to try charging for your content if you want to gamble to see how good it is