
Can I resurrect this meme?

"I paid $60 for this?! RRRAAARRGGHH!"

I really want to see their reaction to this:

Your move, Australia.

We already learned this back in '85.

I pick based on synopsis and writing style. Sometimes those people turn out to be women (Margaret Atwood), sometimes they're not. Usually, I'm embarrassed to say, white. I've actually been meaning to read some books by Octavia Butler. If there is someone who is writing something I'm interested in and happened to be a

I have seriously NEVER considered the age, sex or race of the author before reading a book. Most of the time, I do not even know it, and quite frankly, I don't care.

Because they ARE monsters, according to statistics.

That's why there is medical staff at hand to mitigate the risks associated with such trauma.

.... but other than that, you'll be fine, right?

I dunno, Kilmer has an amazing Steven Seagal disguise.

So, basically, this is for people who think their pussy is a cunning linguist?

Han, Purple.

Are you kidding? We're gonna have between one and three hands free while we type....

It's 10 years later, Bourne has a 9 year old daughter, they go on a ass-kicking spree. Family friendly fun, PG-13.

Goth phase flashback Felicity was gold.

One where they didn't burn down the Library of Alexandria.

Maybe it is because I grew up in Arizona, but I think that DST is worthless, and a waste of people's time and energy. Maybe there was a time when it made sense, but that time has come and gone. So how about we stop messing with time and leave the clocks alone.

Although common in Australia, vegemite is very rare in the U.S.