
Not if you’re just publishing information about unreleased games and projects... That’s not journalism. Journalism would be writing about inequalities, poor work conditions, lies or misleading information that is deemed unethical or poor practice. Just sharing leaked Fallout 4 scripts or screen shots of an unrelease

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If you’ve never seen this, pretty classic old school English comedy, including Jennifer Saunders, Adrian Edmondson and Robbie Coltrane, amongst others:

The young think this is a joke, but in truth, it is not.

Use skin creams if needed, work out at the gym, gain weight, have carbs few hours before you go out, and run regularly, if you want good looks. If you think this is too much work for you to get good looks, than that means you have bigger priorities and desires than your looks, which is not bad, it just means you don’t

You know what, nah, I’m not cool with that. I don’t want them to “take care of the kid”, because abortion is not only an alternative to parenting, but an alternative to pregnancy. I don’t give a shit if some asshole decides that he is willing to adopt or raise these unwanted kids, I want their would-be bio mothers to

This. Is. Fucking. Important.

I’m at best an agnostic, but this is worth prayer. Prayer for clarity of conscience on the part of the justices. Prayer for reproductive freedom. Prayer that our country won’t regress into a state where unsafe, illegal procedures are women’s only choice in controlling their own bodies.


There is something about this... I think it is funny in the sense of “peculiar, strange, odd.” This is a bizarre event of chance. The fact that he was leaving for hot pockets makes it slightly... surreal, for lack of a better word? I think people are having a laughter reaction to it out of stress rather than humor. We

I mean, it’s kind of interesting to hear someone who goes on and on about the sanctity of life, and who denounces abortion regularly, gleefully say they would go back and kill a baby. I think the last tweet in the article puts the “issue” with his comments (such as there is one) in a nice perspective.

When the Aileen character entered the bar, did anyone notice the song that was playing? It was ‘Carnival’ by Natalie Merchant, which the real Aileen requested be played at her funeral. Nice touch.

I have this conversation ALL the time! People are like, “Hijabi Rockstar, isn’t wearing the hijab terribly oppressive?” And I’m like, “Well, I’ve never felt the need to get a cosmetic labiaplasty to look better in my yoga pants, so I’ve got that going for me.”

I wonder if its related to the tickling thing, where guys think its somehow cute and funny to continue to tickle girls/women as the girl/woman is screaming at them to stop?

I hate it when asking for a hug is more of a gateway to something even more intimate. If you give in and give them a hug, then it’s just one more step to begrudgingly going out on a date with them, right? Because why would you hug someone but not want to go out with them?


and here is a dancing bearded dragon.

I liked “Devil in the White City,” but my first book about Homes was “Depraved.” Much more detail, and it doesn’t share his story with that of the fair.

We not gonna mention Devil in the White City in that first paragraph about H.H. Holmes? That shit’s better than the documentary, I promise you.