
Trying to do my part in buying a manual. I planned on buying a new car after graduation (looking at MT cars only), but now I am moving across the country out of the midwest maybe with my 2 MT Z’s. Its hard to justify the price of a new vehicle though I want one..

Too bad it just looks to terrible to compare to anything. I’d get an Elantra Sport over this any day. A lot better aesthetically plus more power

Oooo very similar to mine, but instead of a F1 car I had an ariel atom, and an r34 instead of the e63. Mmm I do love those e63s though

1. Eagle Low Drag GT

Mazda does have a touch screen. The knob is for when the car is moving, since the touch screen becomes inactive during driving.

I like the digital tach and feel it would be so awesome at 1st, but at the same time I think of just the simplicity and longevity of an analog gauge...

Here is a better looking 300

The Jaaaaaag X-Type the car you get at 16 because you’re grandparents need a new car to drive to church

No way they just showed it going around a bus on the wrong side of the road to pass a bus, so instead of an overlap ford will now help you with a full on head on collision!

Punching the throttle gets a good note in the cabin, which seemingly gets louder in Dynamic mode. Audi swears this isn’t fake or enhanced engine noise. Perhaps they’ve done something clever with packaging to ensure you hear what you want to hear.

Jason I think you need to visit change.org and get a petition going. I’ll be your first signature for this. I always wanted this for the Land Cruiser in the US

“The first luxury SUV was introduced as the Mercedes M-Class in 1997"

Tesla Glass, Pilliod was one of Apple’s top materials engineers. He is named on a long list of patents at the Cupertino company, most of them having to do with innovations in glass touchscreens and electronic devices using glass, like the iPhone.

Wow I can’t believe so many NP on this. I own an 02 Rodeo with 196k and I would be so happy to get it for over a $1000 and mine is in better condition from the looks of this one. Biggest issues with these are the frames and them rusting out. I’d pay $1300 for this if it was a 4x4, Manual, 3.2 those are the “unicorns”

The side profile and the rear has a lot of Grand Cherokee in it

Love when they bunch all of us millennials together - I am one but the complete opposite, I’d much rather drive myself than uber and for my next move it must have a garage. I live 10 minutes off campus just to have a 2 car garage. I guess I sorta needed one having 3 cars

All this hoopla and I’m just wanting the MT from the Challenger Scat Pack in the Charger Scat Pack

(what does For have against the letter ‘k’?)

You’d be surprised, my gf works at a large rental company and you’d be surprised how some treat the vanilla cars