people with a 3 car garage :)
people with a 3 car garage :)
I think they pulled it because you have to install a driver for it to work properly. I don’t think apple would have been too happy with that.
Biggest waste of $10 I ever spent(even though it was free itunes credit anyways). Half the time certain apps just have 0 volume or full volume, and many times it ‘forgets’ where you left certain app volumes. Let’s say it makes you go to 0 volume for a tab in chrome? Well, it’s time to quit chrome and re-open it to see…
Does Nissan Xterra not count since you can’t get a MY2016 model? You can still buy them new and they are pretty capable.
Or just use nmap to do a quick IP scan. most people won’t have a segregated network so this would identify ANY webcams, not just dropcam. In addition, the number of cameras that are protected with something other than a default password are in the single percentage, meaning you can just hop on and view where the…
Most 90’s Hondas(perhaps more, but I’ve only tried this on 4 or 5 cars) do the same thing. the power locks will not operate on any door that’s open. EXCEPT if you hold the outside door handle open while hitting the lock button. then you can lock it with the door open.
I was sitting at a stop light, and I heard some music. It sounded like a tambourine beat, like the intro to a drum and bass song or something like that. I look around to find the source of this music. Low and behold, just as the light turns green, I find the guy driving away, dancing like a madman while playing the…
So why wasn’t the parking brake covered under the warranty? Did they presume you broke it due to misuse/negligence? Or does it fall under normal wear as part of the brake system?
The answer here is really quite simple. Build a 4wd dyno in your garage. Drive the car like hell. And when you go home, roll the car up onto the dyno in reverse, and back the miles down to 149 again! Probably what the original owner did in the first place!
I don’t know. I blew her head into bits without much of a hard time... I don’t know why, but she was always hostile towards me whenever we crossed paths in the waste. It got to the point where enough is enough so I had to kill her.
While much more expensive, something that is direct-to-production will most likely be done with an SLA or SLS printer(what Shapeways uses). They do not produce layer lines like your typical FFF/FDM printers. However, they are much slower at printing, so a piece like shown in the video may take a day to print. With…
Star for RCR reference
It’s possible to do. For instance, with reviewers who got Halo 5 early, they had to provide Microsoft their gamertags to have them whitelisted. If you weren’t on the whitelist, the game wouldn’t load.
There are some stores I know of that will only do an even exchange for the same item, especially with electronics. Even if this is all that is offered, you can still use it to your advantage. If you ‘buy’ a camera for 2 weeks, you can claim it doesn’t work, and get a new camera. The new one will be new in box. So you…
So Arena is like traditional Halo multiplayer in what way? The halo multiplayer I enjoyed the most was that of Halo 1-3, where you all start with an assault rifle, weapons are all over the map, and whoever controls and utilizes the power weapons the best take the lead. If I wanted to play what they had in Halo 4 with…
That guy’s clearly possessed Saturn didn’t make it on the list?
I’ll give you three reasons. You can get a large 3 topping pizza from Domino’s and other chains for $8 or so. The closest local shop charges over $20 for the same amount of food. Yeah, the local shop tastes way better, but for many people, especially college students, a $12 difference means a lot(like a 6 pack of…
My fiancee just leased a 2015 Dart this summer. With 24 miles on the odometer their variable valve timing system (MultiAir) stopped working. The MultiAir system can adjust timing and lift for each cylinder independently. So when it failed it just randomly set the timing for each cylinder. It was drivable, but the…
My 94 Mercury Sable had rusty brake lines. They burst during a panic stop on Route 1 in Princeton NJ during rush hour. Anybody familiar with the area knows exactly why that is the most terrifying experience. Managed to drive it home with just the pedal operated emergency brake, and my dad in front of me with a big…