
This is going to be good. Yeah, there will be cool games from indie devs, but the real fun will be people who develop things much cooler than games. I see this giving people the ability to do things like the greatly missed second OS function the PS3 once had.

And make sure you use the blue windex. That yellow multi-surface stuff is absolute crap for car windows which get especially dirty.

Microsoft also makes a Wireless Controller Receiver for your PC. But if you're handy with a soldering iron, you can make your own by soldering a USB cable onto the RF module from the original xbox 360. Great if you have a RROD 360 sitting around, or you can buy the part for under $5 and save a great deal of cash.

This is terrible news... But on an unrelated note, this scares the shit out of me how someone can have an accident at somewhere between 150mph-300mph, get up and talk, then go on and die in the hospital.

I'm reading through this because I did this quite a few years ago(successfully) and I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss out on anything. But I have learned my lesson with LaCie drives. I know know that LaCie is french term for "Going to fail"

I nominate the Citroen CX

I have to agree with everything here. I am the most technologically adept person on my extended family, so family and friends come to me when they want to buy a new [insert something that runs on electricity here]. I often recommend to them one that I know is easily repairable with lots of spare parts available

WebOS users unite! Though I am surprised that you don't like win8 in metro mode. As a WebOS user since the pre's release, I found metro to be very comfortable. Then again, touchpad gestures were fully supported on my desktop and my laptop uses were with the XPS duo, and both stood out as amazing experiences to me. I

People need to stop posting this awesome drone stuff until I have the money to build one myself...

Microsoft bets pretty hard on their servers. The same ones you're using for cloud saves on your 360 now. And when they had a few hours of downtime, everybody who was affected got a year of live for free. I really think it's going to be an issue that affects very few people(in the U.S.). Those stationed overseas where

Torch, you should definitely enlist some local Jalops to help with the build. I know that if I were in the area, I'd do it just for the fun of the project. I'm sure there are others that think the same way

or we can just call this thing the VW Golf + and be done.

The main difference is whether you're pronouncing it as an Italian or a German. In Italian, the sc makes a sh sound, whereas in german, it's more of a silent-ish C. Even VW hasn't given us a definitive pronunciation, I just always thought it'd be German, even though the word scirocco is Italian for a type of

Wow, I didn't know this!

Too many people pronounce this "seet" instead of se-at(in spanish). Of couse, I'm in the USA, I'm sure countries where Seat sells cars are a bit more literate.

we have a winner with this one! I just tell people I can't ever own one so I don't bother to try and pronounce it either

I was going to post this if nobody else had... I almost instinctively pronounce it cee-apostrophe-d... too much top gear I guess

just take out that silly C and it'd be much easier... Pronounced Sir-occo

I've wanted one of these for quite a while... just never had the cash...