
Microsoft bets pretty hard on their servers. The same ones you're using for cloud saves on your 360 now. And when they had a few hours of downtime, everybody who was affected got a year of live for free. I really think it's going to be an issue that affects very few people(in the U.S.). Those stationed overseas where

Torch, you should definitely enlist some local Jalops to help with the build. I know that if I were in the area, I'd do it just for the fun of the project. I'm sure there are others that think the same way

or we can just call this thing the VW Golf + and be done.

The main difference is whether you're pronouncing it as an Italian or a German. In Italian, the sc makes a sh sound, whereas in german, it's more of a silent-ish C. Even VW hasn't given us a definitive pronunciation, I just always thought it'd be German, even though the word scirocco is Italian for a type of

Wow, I didn't know this!

Too many people pronounce this "seet" instead of se-at(in spanish). Of couse, I'm in the USA, I'm sure countries where Seat sells cars are a bit more literate.

we have a winner with this one! I just tell people I can't ever own one so I don't bother to try and pronounce it either

I was going to post this if nobody else had... I almost instinctively pronounce it cee-apostrophe-d... too much top gear I guess

just take out that silly C and it'd be much easier... Pronounced Sir-occo

I've wanted one of these for quite a while... just never had the cash...

My sister wrecked the 91 Firebird that I spent 6 months with my dad fixing up...

I have this set at home. Bought it on sale this past holiday season. When closed, none of the sockets will be free to move around. You just need to be sure you open it right side up(with the sticker on top), otherwise they do spill everywhere. I taped a big sign to the back that says "FLIP OVER, STUPID!" so that I

I have this set at home. Bought it on sale this past holiday season. When closed, none of the sockets will be free

The windows were the worst. I've found about 50 different guides to adjust/fix those mirrors, every single one said something different, and none of them really worked...

1991, one of the last of the 3rd gen models. My dad and I bought it for my younger sister as her first car 6 months before she got her licence, since I have a cousin who has rebuilt a few F-bodies with his friends.

We bought a Firebird for 700 that hardly ran. It took forever to start, and barely had any power. It sounded horrible too. We decided to replace the distributor cap, plugs, and wires. That's when we came to an issue. My dad hooked the wires up in the order they were previously, but it wasn't how it should've been

This is why I liked the old hondas. They made it next to impossible to lock the keys inside the car. You either used the key to lock the car from the outside, or you pulled the outside door handle while simultaneously hitting the power lock button inside. If you didn't pull the door handle, any door that was open

This right here is pure gold, my friend... I didn't find anything like this when I got FiOS (with the Rev A router), but I'm glad to see somebody found some good ways around that box.

You're going to need to heat the car body pretty well. Hot glue doesn't like to stick to metal unless you get the metal hot too.

I did exactly that at my house. Poor Man's Patch Panel plus a UPS that runs the network for 90 minutes or so. I had lots of jealous replies when Hurricane Sandy knocked out everybody's power and I posted that even in the hurricane apocalypse, I kept my internet.

This kid is born to own this car!