
Competitive gaming is not ladder. Nice try, though. Better luck next time!

You’re not educated enough on the subject to understand that they’re not irrelevant.

I think so, CS:GO just seems to have a betting scene surrounding it unlike that of any other game. I thought that the article briefly mentioned how Valve went after the skin-betting sites.

I know, right? Focusing on the competitive gaming scene is CRAZY

This could be such a huge decision. I feel like betting activity in CS:GO would dwarf the betting scene in any other eSport but with so many eSports fans, there’s no way that every game won’t boast a significant number of fans interested in the betting side of things. Still a long way to go but its an interesting

God forbid a section dedicated to competitive gaming cover competitive gaming! That would require writers with some kind of knowledge of the subject instead of gossipy tabloid clickbait bloodhounds.

You’re making a totally irrelevant comparison and acting as though it’s a valid one.

I’ve been watching baseball for some time, and absolutely understand it. You’re still missing the point, still don’t know what you’re talking about, and are still focusing on irrelevant comparisons because you don’t know what you’re talking about.

You’re still clueless on the subject and apparently happy to be so. Just because you have a horde of fellow ignoramuses trying to justify you doesn’t mean I won’t comment on your fundamentally incorrect arguments.

One, he’s not, two, not the same significance. Educate yourself before you open your mouth!

It’s like you’re a professional at getting it wrong. Do you work at Breitbart?

Nanohana was playing off-role because of Nenne’s ping issues though. He’s still a very well established player outside of Contenders and truly became a well known superstar after OWWC.

You clearly don’t, and it has nothing to do with a visa.

Nope, you just don’t know enough about the subject to understand the significance. Thanks for commenting anyway though!

An 18th birthday for a superstar player is a very big deal. Anyone covering OW should know that.

Be proud of that, your crowning achievement.

You’ve been unable to cite anything outside of your opinion and consistently try to dodge the facts to get personal. Educate yourself, come back, try again. Being buoyed by fellow members of the ignorant masses means nothing.

Oooh, another poster who knows nothing about what I’m talking about but is commenting anyway!

Neither of those players are comparable to xQc or Saya.

Keep going with the straw man, bud. Tells me all I need to know. It, combined with your clear inability to cite anything outside of your opinion, effectively settles this. Good luck next time!