
@Bob6k: I think you're not fully understanding the situation. The premise isn't that they want to muscle out smaller developers, but that they want to tap into market even more through vertical integration, i.e. be their own supplier. They do this through giving opportunities for smaller developers to publish games

I'm want to believe most of the things this guy has to say about his little business venture there, but seeing the Gamecube there leads me to think that there might be more to the story.

Unfortuantely the agent reprensting Nintendo in Taiwan region can never seem to get off their arse to do anything at all, I mean, even all the department stores (the ones that are meant to only sell official licensed only products) have had Wiis since the day after launch day in Japan...

Obviously a case of Morgan Creek saying, hey, this is Nintendo, let's boost our next quarter profits by jumping on the bandwagon.

MGS4, depending on how far you've on in GTAIV, it's a little anti-climatic towards the end.

@jtyson: Give Totilo a break, he's trying to write about something with an impartial point of view, as well as making sure he doesn't get in trouble with Sony for raining hate on a service that isn't officially released yet.

I'd be worried about bringing up that good-looking kid of yours in Japan (and I mean that in the most non-wierd way possible), he's going to have a hard time developing proper values with young Japanese girls clinging onto him for dear life in about two or three years time.

I wish I learnt to play an instrument...

It's a pity Nintendo will always take a hardlined approach to people hacking their consoles. In reality, they should really feel assured at the fact that by people opening up homebrew on their systems, it keeps the system from being more then just a toy to the hardcore masses

I can almost hear the excitment in your voice, there's a really nice skip in your tone.

The problem here is that Okami never made it

Don't laugh guys, I almost bought one off yahoo Japan's auction site for US400

It's called japanese humour. Everything is about wordplay and subtlety.

Ouch! Sorry mate, but you really should of seen that coming... hate to be cold or anything.

Why the late eighties reference though... your not trying suggest that Pokemon has been a household phenomenon since the late eighties are you? Because I certainly didn't recieve any Pikachu soft toys when I was growing up.

thats defnitely golden axe meets super r-type