Entre dos aguas

Ghostbuster is a flop. It needs to make $400 to $500 million (the latter number is Paul Feig’s guess) to be profitable. It is currently at $160 million. Do the math. It is rapidly declining at the US market three weks in and the international market won’t help either, b/c Germany is the only big market left, where GB

Why is an actress/writer in her mid-forties with two dozen unremarkable acting/writing credits relevant? If the Suicide Squad producers had offered her a writing job on the movie, she would have kissed their feet.

Or, you let the numbers do the talking. When the director of said flop claims, that his movie has to make $500 million worldwide to be profitable, and it is now at $160 million, three weeks in...that is called a financial flop.

This is funny, you guys tried the same thing with Jason Bourne (white male centric, eewww) and it opened with +$100 million worldwide, you shilled for Ghostbusters sooo hard for so long and yet it will lose Sony a lot of money. Keep doing what you’re doing!

While you hate the movie for being a strong draw at the box office, despite all the hate from some critics who feel, just like the author of this article, that it is fashionable to crap on successful white men, simply for being both male and white.

It has happened. Star Wars being one of the latest examples. But since this one had a female lead *and* a black stormtrooper, it couldn’t have possibly been a crappy movie. I just love to see, that the audience won’t be easily fooled into watching a boring clusterfuck of a movie simply cuz a bunch of women take over a

You implied that critics, unlike mere mortal viewers, are ‘objective’, giving their OPINIONS about a movie. Every opinion about anything is by definition subjective. How stupid can one person possibly be?

Lol, did you just imply, that critics are in any way, shape or form ‘objective’? How so? Are they not human beings? The critic’s response to GB on RT was at 73%. That was seen as a rousing endorsement on jezebel. Jason Bourne getting 72% with viewers and not even a mentioning? Hmmm...

On RT the viewers give it a 72% rating and on imdb both men and women alike rate it 7.5. That ‘s not the definition of ‘suck’ imo.

Matt Damon is 45. He looks his age. Take a look around, that’s what men this age look like, who don’t dye their hair and did not have any botox or facelifts procedures done. That ageism you’re showing is swell. Don’t forget to remind men not to remark on Melissa McCarthy’s body though, now *that* would be mean. Oh,

Only they won’t be able to destroy the Bourne franchise, cuz the pitch, unlike for GB, wasn’t *you have to see this, otherwise feminism will win*. That never works.

The self-loathing must be pretty strong with this guy.

If only The Muse could sway the sheeple what movies to watch! Alas, Effie Brown is still a nobody, Matt Damon is still a superstar with a string of hits and Ghostbusters is a dud at the boxoffice. So, who you’re gonna call? Not Kara Brown.

At the beginning of the Democratic National Convention, spokespeople for both Clinton and Kaine said that he would support a repeal of the Hyde Amendment.

I sort of align with FiveThirtyEight in that I think she has a stronger personal toolkit on the policy and administrative side than her husband or President Obama.

Why shouldn’t they have? Nothing wrong with it. There is a difference between looking and ogling. One is human, the other is creepy.

and think about a relatively decent president

A woman in her mid-fifties plays the mother of a 4 yo son? That’s like one of those movies where a guy in his fifties is supposed to play a guy in his late thirties and the audience is supposed not to notice.

That’s debatable: