I think it depends on how you view the timeline split. Once you hit that, you technically have three Ganons, as each one's existence is independent of the others, despite all of them deriving from a single person.
I think it depends on how you view the timeline split. Once you hit that, you technically have three Ganons, as each one's existence is independent of the others, despite all of them deriving from a single person.
I realize it would have been several more messages to add, but I would have loved some individual conversations for the Koopalings. And Alph doesn't even get a unique conversation.
I think CC has their own version of "post-watershed" times, maybe post-midnight, ET/PT?, when those sorts of words can be used. I think I heard "pussy" used by Joe Rogan in a standup special broadcast at 1 AM.
that statline..jesus..
"Osweiler it's time to replace Manning."
"Alright, here we go! Osweiler's time to shi......fuck!"
My mother did this. I was initially not really thrilled with the idea, but didn't make a fuss over it because it was what she wanted. When she died suddenly a few years later, I realized what a blessing in disguise it was. We had no idea what to do, and Science Care took care of everything for us. We arranged a…
AWWW JEEEZ! Coach sure is gonna be sore at me.
It's like Tom Coughlin never watches his team.
Eh, I got two Super Bowls
Waiting for Bowser. He better be a large figure, like Venom/Hulk size Disney Infinity figures.
"What are you gonna do tonight, Stef?"
Sortland had a blanket, a cell phone and a box of Wheat Thins with him.
White Flakes Can Jump
My theory is that they were waiting for the invention of dubstep so they could properly score it.
If you step into the yard, you're going to have to be ready to put up your guard. This is gaming we're talking about.
Bledsoe would've been perfect, until he got hurt during filming and some unknown stagehand could've stood in for him and started his.....(NFL narrator voice)....PATH TO IMMORTALITY!
Allen Iverson's son is 16? Damn I am old.
The level of detail in the CG intro movies makes me wonder why Nintendo doesn't make any movies based on their characters. Metroid: Other M had some great looking cut scenes, and so did SM Brawl. They just look so well done.