Looks like he went off half cocked....
Poor guy's all beans, no frank.
* Sees "Sunset Overdrive"
Read IGN's review first, and by the end of it I had no idea what the hell kind of game this is supposed to be. Followed up by an arbitrary number score.
Ethics in collectible figures journalism!!!
I actually posted about the production Disney Infinity models before the game came out. And Skylanders toys don't really waver — they use production samples in their marketing.
The Falcons didn't have a delay of game penalty on the penultimate play. But I'll give you a participation ribbon.
Try and top that headline.
See! I'll be waiting for your apologies, guys...
"You don't ask him to switch, you hit him with the switch"
I can help him switch. - Adrian Peterson
Yes, that's possibly the most entertaining mid-play curse in sports history.
I'm partial to "Goddamnit, Donald!" myself.
Because there is zero chance that Paula Deen, who once proudly recounted the details of an antebellum-themed party she threw and slung the N-word around willy-nilly, is not aware of the historical echoes and symbolism of a rich white woman sending a black woman out to ring the dinner bell. Zero chance. Which means…
There are millions of cosplay photos on the internet, though. We wanted to make something tangible. This isn't a novel, it's a coffee table book, and as such would lose most of its point as an e-book :(
Then the onus is on the community to seek out multiple reviews, as one should in any case. That's why I always suggest Giant Bomb's Quick Looks, as you can see for yourself what the game is and how it plays (and they'll even tell you that one source of information is not enough, and to seek out other sites' reviews as…
Unless you have direct links and context to what you're quoting, it means absolutely nothing. Someone being paid for a service requires that taxes be paid. This includes someone being paid to make an advertisement for a company, which is what this is. So, if the payment is not being disclosed, and taxes aren't being…