Enter Something Witty Here

Because concepts don't worry about implementation, tech restrictions, budget concerns or the many other factors that go into shaping how something (a game, a movie, etc.) looks. Concept artists have a lot of freedom with their own tools to just make something look gorgeous, whereas the final art for the product has to

No of course not. Nothing wrong with standing up for yourself. They're talent-less hacks because their livelihood is made from doing something that millions of people do on a daily basis anyways, that makes money from other people's months and years of hard work. They're the youtube equivalent of leeches.

This comic summed up my thoughts on a majority of Let's Plays on Youtube. I think it's fair for Nintendo to do this. The dilemma of a Let's Play and profit is how much the individual adds to the product. Do people come for the gameplay or the the commentary. Many times it's the latter but sometimes the individual adds

I get the "Smokey and the Bandit" reference, but I didn't know there was an anime. Or is this from some weird Lupin III spin-off?

Just finished mine!

Only because I'm sick of Mario being in the spotlight.

Hope this does the job.

Don't quote me on the producer.

"Getting some blue shells from squatting"

Took me a second.

Oh god, what have you done?

Dr. Strangeluigi or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Wii U