
Same, and really, it wouldn’t surprise me anymore.

I read “defections” as “defecations” and thought “eh, whatever”.

I’ve peen placing odds on Trump firing Mueller either Friday night or Saturday in an attempt to draw attention away from both the Stormy Daniels interview on 60 Minutes and the Gun Control march.

But Johnny Football has been making the media rounds and taking responsibility for his past mistakes. Maybe when Kaepernick does the same and publicly says that he’s fine with police brutality and systemic racism then NFL teams might start to pay attention again.

How dare you insinuate that I would write something just to see how wypipo would respond!

Must be harder for foreign players since they can’t work outside the season.

Yeah you never played a second of minor league baseball. If you did, you would have a better understanding of how the system works, not your bullshit incorrect stab here. The other players are very much not superfluous and not interchangable with rando ball players. Teams specifically hope to hit a home run (pun

You light one little section of river on fire 2 or 9 times and suddenly we’re the bad guys.

My husband watches that film over and over too. Hmm...

My wife gives me funny looks when I watch Edge of Tomorrow. Mostly when Emily Blunt is on the screen.

Big deal. I ate a bunch of Pringles off my stomach while sitting on the couch. NO HANDS.

WordUpThome: GUYS THIS IS JI WordUpThome: JIM THOME. WordUpThome: RACISM IS BAD.

Fuck yeah, Jim.

“This is more change than human beings are designed to digest.”

Thanks man. I seriously appreciate that. Same to you.


It’s black culture, but stolen and made way more bland.