
You’re right but since he’s not technically in the military he doesn’t fall under the UCMJ.

Gen Barry McCaffrey brought up a valid and very true point months ago - if Trump were in the Air Force he would not meet the standards for the Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) of all nuclear launch officers and personnel.

Well said and if I might I’d like to translate what you said into Eskimo Poetry; - “Kobe Bryant should be stapled to Donald Trump, Florida Man and countless other assholes and launched into the fucking Sun”.

I haven’t seen the movie and didn’t watch the oscars but at what point did Frances bring up racism? Jordan Peele proved beyond a doubt earlier he had that ball, let Frances work the other bullshit, dipshit elephant.

I never watch awards shows but clicking around AV and some other sites tonight I think if Jordan Peele and Frances gave all the acceptance speeches I’d DVR the hell out of that shit.

That speech by Jordan is about the best acceptance speech I’ve ever heard at one of these awards clusterfucks - short, articulate, hit the important shit, skip the arrogance and jet.

I’ve been a big fan a Full Diapy Donny since his halcyon days of being NYC’s biggest fricken imbecile but I think ‘ol ‘look ‘em in the eye’ Rexy Tillerson might be right, Donny’s a full fledged card carrying fucking moron.

Some of my best friends are Rhodis 

“Trump has been briefed on _______” and “I ran the plan by the rhododendron” are about equal on the reassurance and comfort scale with regard to any situation.

“We will continue to ask for God’s guidance to do what is right.”

Sweet mother of Pearl!

Adding how much each of our fearless reps like Marco ($3,303,355 from the NRA) Rubio or Joni ($3,124,273 from the NRA) Ernst actually cost should become the standard in all articles/posts.

You can get on the mailing list as well - not just for donations but petitions to Congress on veteran’s and other issues like whether we should waste $30mil on a parade.

Will Fischer from the video is the Dir of Gov Relations for VoteVets, a great organization worthy of your consideration and maybe support:

I think only the US tested in the Marshalls, France tested in Polynesia.

That first Gronk tweet up there brought to mind Ty Webb and Danny not being the ball.

Off topic but is foodspin or you and Drew cooking random stuff ever coming back?