
It comes on as a warning for black ice which can begin to form at 39f.

Don’t know why yours uses 37 but Audis/VWs do that at 39f because it’s the temperature that black ice can begin to form on roads.

I agree but that’s the way it was scored.

Its an own goal


It says you can pick 2 for defense, assumed the guy with the gun was a given.

Only the gorillas have thumbs - your best defense is a door. I’ll be sitting on my couch watching The Gorilla Channel with the gorillas.

I only sit on buses or trains if they’re pretty empty, as soon as they begin to fill up I stand.

Your wife’s name is Tammy isn’t it?

Congratulations, you’re a garbage human.

That’s gettin’ hit and stayin’ hit.

If someone lacking intelligence and competence questions your intelligence and competence is it a compliment?

Picturing everyone in the room.............in their undies?

Pendejo and his sidekick Pencedejo.

I can’t begin to tell you how many military personnel I work with who absolutely despise this president and see him for the character deficient coward he is. I’ve been in the military for 5 presidents now and I’ve seen dislike and borderline hatred but have never seen this level of absolute disdain.

Dude, I appreciate what you’re trying to do, I really do, this place can be the biggest echo chamber on the internet and different views are always welcome but when those views are tired old regurgitations of lazy ignorance it doesn’t make people think, it makes them shake their heads in disappointment.

Someone using the term ‘deepstate’ unironically is roughly on par with someone informing you of what their cat told them.