Enrico Pallazzo

I owned the original giant-sized comic book of the first movie (yes, I’m old - fun side note: It’s worth money, now, but I Silly Puttied the shit out of it, so my copy is basically worthless), and as it was adapted before the movie’s final cut, it contained that Jabba scene...except, in that version, Jabba was a


Good, because they sucked, hard...which, I mean, at their age, you’re kind of supposed to. Their festival sets last year were, like, 40% covers, and shaky as hell. If Wolfhard hadn’t been in this band, nobody would care, and then maybe they could have gone through the normal process of sucking for a while until they

Are the comments still disabled on zombie Deadspin? I haven’t been back since the last of the writers and editors walked. 

In the very good romantic comedy Sleeping With Other People, he plays a pretty straightforward best friend to Jason Sudeikis’s lead. It’s a relatively low-key role, and he has great chemistry with Andrea Savage, who plays his wife.

If you’ve never played video games while high on the devil’s lettuce, you’ve never heard Shakespeare the way it’s meant to be played.


No, I don’t. 

No, I don’t. 

The worst is when you’re a vision-impaired corporate chode and you have to spend a couple days reading literally thousands of comments about what a festering boil you are on the Internet’s hairy ass. I mean, it just makes you want to shut comments off, entirely. 

Man, that’s almost as vile a scheme as buying a bunch of generally successful, well-produced web sites covering a variety of topics and then totally wrecking them by nerfing their editorial standards and direction, leading to mass resignations and publication of articles pointing out what a dumbass you are. It’s hard

If it’s not warning me against working for a G/O Media site, is it really looking out for my safety?

Martin Scorses is such a great director, it almost makes me not think for a second about what an absolute shitheel and incompetent Jim Spanfeller is. 

Wow, this whole Twitter situation really makes me think about what a giant, yawning, crud-encrusted asshole Jim Spanfeller is.

Maybe he can tackle Jim Spanfeller next!

Comments were disabled at Deadspin this afternoon. Let’s all enjoy our Kinja while we can!

I’m curious as to whether they’ll add any material. Tick was unfinished at the time of Larson’s death, and changed from monologue to three-hander for the full production. Given who’s in the director’s chair, I wouldn’t be surprised to see some tweaking to the music and/or structure. 

Oh, definitely, although the fact that it’s overt in being a take on La Boheme softens me on it a bit. Plus, while Rent certainly dives headfirst into the kind of self-indulgent whinging only young artists can do (and I say that as an old artist who was once a young artist) about how unfair it is that they can’t just

Oh, this show. I used to love it but, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to sneer a bit at the “Oh, no, I’m turning 30! It’s not fair that I might have to get a job and not just make art all day!” perspective of it. I mean, I freaked out about turning 30, too, but 44 year-old me wants to punch 29-and-364-days-old me in

On the other hand, if you were raised by parents who instilled in you a crippling guilt complex and inability to self-affirm, you can sometimes turn to /r/AmItheAsshole to have people with a better compass than you for whether or not you are an irredeemable piece of shit reassure you that every single thing you do