Enrico Pallazzo

Yes, you’re right - the impact of the Beatles on popular music is pure Baby Boomer bullshit...or, you know...not. 

The concept that a car could drive out of one skyscraper and land in another skyscraper is ridiculous, but that didn’t stop that The Fast & the Furious movie from making a bajillion dollars.

>we’ve witnessed a somewhat alarming inversion: Instead of
>seeing a media company create something that it thinks its
>readers will enjoy and then presenting that thing to those
>readers alongside unaffiliated ads, we’re seeing one create
>something that’s meant to satisfy its advertising partner first
>and its readers

It’s so weird how strident the need to find someone to blame for this has become. Like, OK, say it ends up being the collective Internet’s decision that, ultimately, Bob Myers is most responsible. Then...what? He gets run out of town on a rail?

Wow, I disagree so hard with this review. This movie felt flatter than a pancake, to me. I think you have to work hard to make Tessa Thompson and Chris Hemsworth uninspiring on screen, so points for effort on that front, I guess? 

Ye gods, this movie is dull. It’s such a drag, because most of the folks involved in front of the camera are pretty great - Thompson, in particular, deserved far, far better than she got. But everything about this film is flatter than the Earth in a Youtube conspiracy video. It trips across a bunch of locales - Paris,

Yes! Arbitrary generalizations are so hot, right now!

I keep reading everyone saying they should have toned down the celebrations. Now, I’m no expert, but I just watched the video showcasing all 13 goals, and, other than Rapinoe’s slide, it doesn’t seem to me like the celebrations were all that crazy. It’s basically smiles and some hugs. Seeing all the criticism, here I

Actually breaking Twitter would be the best possible use of Keanu’s considerable power and the final notch I’d need to cast my vote for canonization. 

Tarp up, big shooter, or are ya 10-ply?

He’s 10-ply, bud.


>Fans find self-identity and self-expression in corporate entities

The sad part about Dark Phoenix is that, while I in no way enjoyed it, it’s not even the kind of bad that pisses you off enough to hate it (looking at you, The Last Stand). It’s just kind of there. 

Rock music??? How jejune.

Ja who?

That’s exactly why I said they should disclose if they have it before any oral-to-genital contact, whether they’re symptomatic or not! It’s item “c)“ in my little list, up there. 

Goddamnit, you beat me to it, you magnificent bastard. 

This franchise and Alien(s) are the two I most wish would just give up the ghost. You’ve told the most interesting variations on your themes that you can tell. Just let it be.