Those are so cute!
Those are so cute!
As nutty-fun as this is, as a person who often gets sick after traveling, I kind of get it? I mean, how often is she in one of those germ-filled coffins? Even in first class, people are disgusting animals.
Alas, you’re giving far too much credit to Americans. His tens-of-millions-strong base would eat that shit up and beg for more, because they love the idea of a big, strong, manly man who will save them from all the horrors of the world. The apathetic millions in the middle would tut-tut about it and then go back to…
I always assumed that my neighbors were your typical middle class casual racists with the world’s pettiest problems. What Nextdoor taught me is how many of them are armed and eager to shoot at the slightest provocation over anything, including fights they’re happy to pick. I shut that app down toot-sweet.
Such a good season! I confess, I barely remember Cory. I do, however, remember Jo, who came in to replace Puck after he got the boot. Didn’t she have a dog she was forcing to be vegan? Wonder what happened to her.
All I know of him is that my husband kept laughing out loud in the next room during the debate because, “This guy is so mad he’s not getting to talk over everyone!”
The version that ran for years during the 1980s was one of my favorite shows of all time. Now I need to go find that!
I have a vague recollection of a documentary about...Claridge’s Hotel in London, I think? The most boggling part was the effort they went to to appease the rich and famous, including ripping out an entire bathtub and replacing it with the “right” whirlpool bath or something because some singer was going to stay there…
It can certainly be done, pretty easily, and if people are worried about it not being “personal” anymore, just have the question-asker stand up in the audience. Is that so hard?
OMG, that quarter cup of powdered sugar in the breading jumped right out. Wow! It’s one thing to know that sugar, salt & fat are the holy grail of fast food, but seeing the actual quantity required to get there is a bit shocking.
In general, I agree with you on Will Ferrell; he’s just making his money. But he can actually act. I thought he was lovely in Stranger Than Fiction and Everything Must Go.
“Let your spouse know that you’re always available [for sex]” is such a beyond-gross concept of marriage and duty. I feel so badly for anyone raised this way.
OMG, I had completely forgotten about Barron The Invisible Boy! He wasn’t even mentioned in the article above, so maybe he’s staying home with whatever keepers are raising him? Poor kid.
As long as you’re on HBO, check out Chernobyl. Fascinating
The Ginsu name/brand is trademarked, not the knife itself. It’s a Ginsu-trademarked knife because it has Ginsu stamped on it.
Fellow Americans, seriously, how do we stop this lunacy? A crazy megalomaniac is in the White House (being bolstered by an equally crazy National Security Advisor), and he is hell-bent on getting a war. Ego-boost, election distraction, it doesn’t matter. This is lunacy! And I can’t figure out what we can do to stop it…
Ever since I’ve started working from home, all my meals have shifted to what I assume makes my body happiest. Breakfast 10:30ish, lunch 2:30ish, and dinner at 7:00ish or later. The arbitrariness of noon lunch always bugged me.
“Please put it about that I really want to go back to the college I had exactly zero interest in going to—a statement I publicly declared over and over again—so that people think I care about education because that will be good for my damaged brand”?
You mean this guy didn’t have a sensible policy to deal with one of the most complex issues facing the nation due to a generation of inadequate policy making and can-kicking? Huh.