it means “with eggs”
it means “with eggs”
Gayle can shut the fuck up.
PELOSI: Trump doesn’t care about our democracy and is actively working to subvert it!
GAYLE KING: Yes, but you aren’t being polite. Can’t you be polite about all this?
Watched the video twice. Her sister is screaming in their face and threatens to sexually assault one woman. I HATE trump but see nothing in this video that makes the sister look like a victim. She is losing her mind at these people mostly standing around, one of whom is wearing a MAGA hat. I don’t know why anyone…
You know, exactly 0% of the people spending “energy and bandwidth and money” being mad and sad today about RGB’s death were or are Trump supporters. So who you mad at? This makes about as much sense as me taking personal responsibility for the 10-20% of black men who actually support Trump. I’m not taking…
Look at that piece of shit.
This is the correct take, thank you for saying this.
Thank you for the sentiment and for the info. I have a kiddo in one of those states. I’m gonna pass this on.
Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski has indicated that she will honor Justice Ginsburg’s wishes. If a few other senators would be decent enough to go along with her, then Fuckface McConnell won’t be able to get his nominee through.
There is no way that the Republican pig-fucks will honor Justice Ginsberg’s wishes. They’re probably smirking and rubbing their hands together as I type this.
Yes. Please 2020, just stop. I can't take it anymore.
I wish her rest, she’s earned it.
It figures. Just when things were looking up, Biden knocking that town hall out of the park, Trump melting down daily, and the polls starting to gain in Joe’s direction, this happens.
we are so fucked
I know nothing about anything, but the NYTimes says this:
Goddammit. Remember, when somebody facetiously asks if this year could get any worse, remind them the answer to that question is an unqualified yes. RIP, Justice, nobody fought harder and earned that rest more than you.