Was That Latin

Throw some in your ski or snowboard bag off-season to reduce rusting on your edges.

Weird. Trumps highest approval rating 46 %(2019-04-30). Obama’s 69%  (2009-01-24).

The same reason an orange sack of shit with a tiny dick is a raging narcissist. Fear and insecurity. That’s all they have.

He does need jelp undersanting something else. I’ll step in...

That’s some master-class loser talk there.

What the fuck is wrong with people? She’s a beautiful little girl. That’s it. That’s what she is. >:(

I’ll defend to the death a woman’s right to make garbage Hollywood franchise films too.

From a “this is Hollywood and let’s cash in perspective” I get it and she has a point.

Wait. You can’t sit in your seat for a few extra minutes because -too much busy-. But you can take the time to respond in painful detail to a series of 40 questions that were mostly rhetorical in purpose.

It’s Poetjunkie about the Biennale. Di me, Poetjunkie.

See, the people who don’t like “the blacks” actually like the blacks.

“This glass of milk is going to be delicious!”

You are my people.

They’re wrong. Now can they get off my lawn?

Definitely pre-90s. Although, by the mid 80's it was pretty much gone or just sadly hanging on at that point.

I’m aging and skinny. I will pay you to teach me to be chubby.

Ugh... forget the morality police. Can the fashion police declare fatwah against that mom-jeaned offense against Allah?

Please succeed where appliance5000 has failed.

It’s a crime, Chomp.