Was That Latin

Yeah... this easily could have happened in 2 foot beach break. As a matter of fact you typically hear stories about broken necks in patently small and unassuming conditions.

Narcissists aren’t rational actors. Trump I said a narcissist. Un is a tyrant.

I’m a 50 year old surfer who can no longer surf the waves I’m interested in because of slow physical decline in spite of keeping in very good shape. I have no plans to NOT take PED’s. You’ve only got one life to live. I’m looking for quality not quantity.

Seriously white people, you need to get your shit in order because it isn’t just black folk you need to worry about anymore.

I liked the bit as an ironic piece until she got all earnest at the end. Then I’m like, “Oh, she’s really serious about the cake thing.”

Genetically similar blood is just about the thinnest excuse I can think of. It’s a very popular way for toxic and abusive people to keep family members around.

I’m just going to leave this right here: Hit Makers

My dream scenario is a Trump removal from office weeks before the Midterms. He hangs around long enough to continue gumming up Republican “progress” and then Pence gets the reigns to a Republican non-majority.

Yes, as a strong independent-minded woman I think she has plenty of her own fuckery to be blamed for.

But enough about his colon.

Yep same old story. A complete and almost pathological lack of empathy and unwillingness to believe that “it” (however the misfortune of “it” manifests itself) can happen to anyone. As if there is some sort of glowing golden compass of morality in their hearts that make them exempt from the brutality of life.

Oh, those are barely mental jumping jacks.

I was totally with you until your parenthetical and then realized you take yourself WAY to seriously.

I used to play FPSs with a buddy who quite honestly wasn’t very good. I’d regularly end up in the top few frags in a round while he was typically middle of the pack.

I’ve gone through some heavy stuff lately and in addition to a short stint with a therapist I’ve been using headspace.com for mindfulness training. I feel that it’s been really good for me and I look forward to my daily sessions.

Jokes make people laugh for a reason. Understand the mechanics of a joke and you will understand the reason people are laughing.

Yeah, the 1969 Dodge Charger Guy, your posts are taking time away from you winning the hearts and minds of voters. GET TO IT!


Ladies and gentlemen... the high priest of comedy.

“Duce” is Italian for douche, right?