Was That Latin

Their abuse of power is part of their pay package.

You should hear me read a cheap thai takeout menu:

How do civil actions work to set precidence?

When I saw it, after the movie ended with that last propaganda clip the whole audience stood up and cheered. My blood ran cold.

Hey, that's your name, Dude.

I’m 45 and have stayed fit my whole life. The ONLY reason I have been able to do this is because fitness is inextricably tied into my identity and my lifestyle. I surf. I’m a surfer. I want to be able to surf until I’m 90. Aside from my loved ones, it’s the most important thing in my life. Having a healthy, active

What if I don't have a cat?

So the Pats knowingly did something illegal over 8 years for at least 40 games because it didn’t really help them win. Man! Bellichick must be a real dullard!

And what do you say to Shep McAllister of the Commerce Team when he hooks you the fuck up?

And what do you say to Shep McAllister of the Commerce Team when he hooks you the fuck up?