
The last thing any rapper is going to struggle with is how to make one word rhyme with something else.

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Don’t forget that with some mild uncorking, that V8 can sound very fruity. Link related: the same engine in a smaller body.

Normally with these posts I’m like, - “That’s a cool car at a great bargain, but I’d rather not roll the dice on the maintenance.” I got nothing on this...this might be the best sedan new or used you can purchase for under 20k.

These types of calculators border on useless for most applications. 4K displays generally offer better color reproduction, gradients and saturation as a direct result of the higher resolution, even if you can’t distinguish individual pixels at a given distance. That’s the most obvious difference that almost anyone can

Here’s something I fundamentally don’t understand about traffic laws in the US. Why does the officer need to actually see the violation for it to be prosecuted? Why isn’t testimony or video from non-police witnesses enough? The police don’t put out press releases saying “we didn’t actually see Mr. Jones shoot Mr.

Foreign nationals can bring their foreign spec cars to the US, they just have to take them with home after their stay.

Just wanted to say that the thing that strikes me as special about this article is not the car. It’s the owner. He went and bought this super cool and expensive car. He would be absolutely justified keeping it to himself in a garage and only taking it out himself. Instead, he wanted to share his joy with people who

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Another interesting tidbit that most Jalops I’m sure are well-aware of, but maybe not some!

FALSE. I give you my Arctic White B6 A4 Avant USP 6MT.

My favorite red hue on a car as of late just so happens to be Lexus’s Infrared.

Fuck that, everyone should post the LFA. Twice.

Literally tuned by Yamaha to be acoustically perfect. 10 bangers don’t hurt.

Land Rover owners that complain about their car being in the shop all the time.

Or maybe they're Instagramming their generators.

I got my car specifically because it’s packed with technology, and I’d say I use a fair bit of it. I even use My Audi Connect, which lets me upload destinations from my phone to my car, quite a lot, because it saves me from having to hold up and look at my phone while driving in order to navigate. Instead, I can just