
My favorite PlayStation feature is how when I get a message, it takes it 5 fucking minutes to load because Sony apparently can't handle real-time network infrastructure, or how every message says it was sent 7 minutes ago by default instead of 1 minute ago. Yay Sony! I can't wait until they get hacked for, what, a

As an owner of all three consoles I will break it down to:

I used to frequently drive between Minneapolis MN and Stevens Point WI for college, during which I shared the road with a lot of different drivers. Something that was common was to get into little "speed convoys" as I will call them. Anyone who knows that area will be familiar with how easy it is to get pulled over

But since you probably won't reach 125,000 miles in five years, consider the 75,000-mile plan: it's just $2,989.

Hahaha, that guy was totally saying to himself: "they use to love me, now im invisible". Poor guy!

You can get a nice cheap one for $20 to $30, but a nice one will cost around $100. Just make sure you have a big enough cage. My favorite is the Nile Monitor (pictured).

You can call him Robertson. James Robertson.

I've always had a soft spot for the LFA precisely because it was weirdly out of place in the supercar world when it debuted. We're in the midst of a decade-long horsepower cock-measuring contest, but instead of pulling out a tape measure, Toyota went and specced an insanely high-strung naturally-aspirated V10 built by

I put together a map of places to avoid.

I currently lease an Audi A4 -Coming from an E60 BMW. If I can lease a Tesla for <$500 a month with a range of 200+ miles, count me in. I will gladly forgo the retracting handles and other adornments the S has. -This is the same story resonating though my middle class/manager workplace and what I feel Tesla is banking

Buy a Lexus LS?

No, not exaggerating this at all. And yes, business was done without GPS for years, that doesn't mean it isn't more efficient with it. There is a reason that production-per-worker figures have been skyrocketing in the last 20 years. Business was done for 100 years without email and cell phones, so should we not use

Agree with this. Also, Audi RS 6. Ridiculously fun at speed, but an absolute monster to live with.

I think you misread. He didn't say "baby." He said "treated like a loving son."

Reminds me of the press Lexus LFA that put over 30,000 hard press miles on it and only required brakes and tires. I would be curious how many repairs this P1 has had.

Oh definitely! I mean it needs servicing often but it's not expensive to maintain. And Oh man is it a JOY to drive

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I have a 4th gen myself, so it was pretty heart warming to see the Max back in it's pristine glory days. Here's an old Maxima Promo in the same vein as the videos above if anyone is interested.

Here's an idea for an article Jason:


It's not that didn't want to do the paperwork. The paper just kept spontaneously catching fire.