En no Gyoja

All I really have to say is that pests are a part of the sport. They have been for as long as I’ve been watching and Marchand is one of the best. Even if he couldn’t score, he’d still be a great pest and the fact that he can play both roles makes him certainly irritating, but incredibly valuable. The fact that he is

It’s recycled from articles about Matt Cooke.

Marchand is the guy that every team wishes they had

Was Musberger thinking that Mixon could offer some kind of instructional workshop on how to punch a woman to achieve the maximum impact? Does he believe that “tears” are the same thing as dealing with four broken bones in one’s face and the resulting trauma?

We’re talking about fourth down as time expires and the team with the ball has a lead, in which case they are not attempting to advance the ball at all but instead are attempting to prevent the other team from scoring. In all practical terms, they are the defensive team.

When they fill the infield with water?

Well it does result in hilarious overreactions like yours.

Well, I’m okay with making fun of a “faith” based on a book that isn’t factual and was composed over a number of years that people use to selectively impose their views upon innocent others...

lighten up dummy

1,000 Penn State alums just reflexively wrote an angry letter in support of JoePa.

But...that’s dumb. The first two attempts the front wheel wasn’t on the ground, but for the last one it was. That’s probably your answer right there...

She’s a lying, manipulative, unethical person. She’s not your average woman who happens to have fame and money. She and her family are awful. A lot of people on here are yelling ‘victim blaming!’ when actually, most people are just expressing their apathy.

Everyone in that photo looks sketchy as fuck.

Sarandon is one step from batshit. All for Sanders people taking their passion to the convention, but people like her have enabled lots of plebes to feel holding their vote from Clinton is somehow moral. When the reality is that none seem to have matured past the ego of their enlightened first semester of freshmen

I’m not a fan of any type of a woman who so poorly represents Bernie supporters as deranged and women as irrational. *Also* would rather support Trump than Hillary and went on a #NeverHillary campaign. No thank you! Go back to your ping pong crazy sue.

Lower his strike target. The onus is on the defender not to target.

For one, I wouldn’t tilt my head down to place my helmet into the receiver’s ear.

The point was the media would all pick it up and show it to the nation while saying “Oh that crazy genius Jim Harbaugh, what monkeyshines will he think of next.” And he can sleep well tonight after getting off on the fact that, whether he wins or loses, he’ll be having his dick collectively sucked by the sports media