(a few months ago)
(a few months ago)
@PsychoNun: I guess I better find a way to get 330-360 dollars then
if officially announced, I will buy a ps3 tomorrow
@Whooped.D.Dew: mario galaxy has a story, it's just no one cares and it's not all that interesting especially with all the fantastic platforming there too
@effoffpunk: 10 at most, trust me
@dragonfliet: do you play(fairly) long games? mass effect ? dragon age? super mario galaxy? pokemon? legend of zelda? etc.? question mark?
"uni-corn-on-the-cob" best quote ever
best anti-virus commercial ever
@dragonfliet: the thing is people (the ones I know anyway with the exception of portal) like their games 15-40 hours. so they're used to getting $4/hr-$0.66/hr out of their games and they compare what you get out of another game rather than a movie or some other medium
@juicebytim: because they're completely related
it looks like video game or an animated movie
@PunkyChipsAhoy:fucking miracles
@Phantom5800: lets kick it's ass then
he should get a box of duke nukem special cigars, a stripper, and some guns to shoot aliens with...and bubble gum
@theamazingpete: lol, I made this up in the 6th grade in some assignment where we had to make a story about something and I just randomly thought of enlargedhousecats and the phrase stuck with me ever since. But my real cat is pretty large, relative to all the other cats I see
@theamazingpete: I thought you were referring to kilts but ok
@theamazingpete: you mean Scottish?
@Gaffadin: lies due to no citation