
I hope it comes with an immensely upgraded telltale engine, those sam and max games don't have very pretty animation even though almost all you see is always moving mouths


@Mad-Hobo: here's the animated one

I hope they fix the incosistant framerate and stutter issues

any one think anthony's blackcent is a bit too...what's the word?

I thought when the one near me went out of business there would be amazing closing deals but it was just 10% off and other wimpy deals like that. so I have no sympathy .

those eyes! OH GOD!

@Frizkie: have you tried to hook up the headset to the computer through an xbox controller? The audio an mic quality are the same

but it's a hardware thing, my computer gives me the same quality as it does on the xbox

I want an hlss equivalent

FINNALLY. but this means new mics and speakers because it's the hardware's fault it sounds so bad

where's my movie or mini series

@boopadoo: I still to this day get gizmodo mixed up with gizmondo

@Gotlactose: aww, I thought it would be a google talk feature too

@Windrummerboy: yeah, you qualify in the category of "sick fuck"